The Making of a Memory Champion: Sancy Suraj’s Journey to Success for The Fastest Time to Recite the Periodic Table 

Sancy Suraj is a name synonymous with the world of memory athletics. With a total of six memory records to his name, including the Singapore record for reciting the most pi digits, he is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading memory experts. Recently, Sancy set a new world record for the fastest time to recite the periodic table, taking just 4 minutes and 19 seconds to correctly identify all 118 elements. As a result, he has been attracting significant media attention, with a range of publications seeking to learn more about his journey to success.

When did you first realize that you had a talent for memorization?

I first realized that I had a talent for memorization when I was a child. I was always fascinated by the idea of memory and how the brain works to remember and recall information. I remember being able to remember things easily, such as phone numbers, birthdays, and other details that others seemed to struggle with.

As I grew older, I became more interested in the field of memory and began to explore various memory techniques and strategies. I read books, attended workshops and seminars, and practiced relentlessly to improve my memory skills. I discovered that there are many different memory techniques that can be used to improve memory and recall, and that by using these techniques consistently, I could improve my memory capacity and recall speed.

One of the techniques that really stood out to me was the memory palace technique, also known as the method of loci. This technique involves associating each piece of information with a specific location or object in a mental “memory palace,” which makes it easier to remember and recall. I found this technique to be incredibly powerful and effective, and I began to use it more and more in my own practice.

As I continued to practice and refine my memory techniques, I began to realize that I had a real talent for memorization. I found that I could remember vast amounts of information, from numbers and facts to names and faces, with ease. This realization inspired me to pursue a career as a memory athlete and to compete in memory competitions around the world.

Overall, my talent for memorization has been a lifelong passion and pursuit, and one that has brought me great success and recognition as a memory champion. I am constantly exploring new techniques and strategies to improve my memory skills, and I hope to inspire others to do the same and realize the power of the human memory.

Could you walk us through your journey to becoming a memory champion?

My journey to becoming a memory champion began when I first discovered my natural talent for memorization as a child. As I grew older, I became more interested in the field of memory and began to explore various memory techniques and strategies, including the memory palace technique, which I found to be incredibly powerful and effective.

Over the years, I continued to hone my memory skills and compete in memory competitions around the world. I faced many challenges along the way, from memorizing long strings of numbers to recalling complex scientific information. However, I never gave up and always kept pushing myself to improve.

One of the key aspects of my journey to becoming a memory champion has been my dedication to consistent practice and training. I spend hours each day practicing and refining my memory techniques, using tools like memory cards and memorization apps to challenge myself and push my limits.

Another important factor in my success as a memory champion has been my focus on mental and physical health. I make sure to get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and eat a healthy diet, all of which help to keep my mind sharp and focused.

Finally, I would say that a key element of my journey to becoming a memory champion has been my passion for the field of memory and my desire to share my knowledge and skills with others. I am constantly looking for ways to inspire and educate others on the power of the human memory, and I believe that this passion and dedication has been a driving force behind my success as a memory athlete.

Overall, my journey to becoming a memory champion has been one of hard work, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. I am proud of what I have accomplished so far, and I am excited to see what the future holds as I continue to push my limits and explore new frontiers in the field of memory.

What are some of the biggest obstacles you have faced along the way?

I have faced many obstacles along the way in my journey to becoming a memory champion. One of the biggest challenges I have faced has been the need to constantly adapt and evolve my memory techniques to stay ahead of the competition. The field of memory athletics is constantly changing, and new techniques and strategies are being developed all the time. To stay competitive, I have had to be willing to try new things, take risks, and constantly push the boundaries of what I thought was possible.

Another major obstacle I have faced is the pressure of competition. Memory competitions can be incredibly intense, and the pressure to perform at a high level can be overwhelming at times. To cope with this pressure, I have had to develop mental toughness and resilience, and learn how to stay focused and calm under stress.

A third obstacle I have faced in my journey to becoming a memory champion is the need to balance my training and competition schedule with other aspects of my life, such as work, family, and social commitments. Training for memory competitions can be incredibly time-consuming, and it can be challenging to find the right balance between my athletic pursuits and other important aspects of my life.

Finally, as a memory athlete, I have also faced the challenge of constantly having to come up with new and innovative ways to improve my memory skills. While there are many established techniques and strategies that I use on a regular basis, I am always looking for ways to push the boundaries of what I thought was possible and explore new frontiers in the field of memory. This requires a high level of creativity, curiosity, and a willingness to take risks and try new things.

Overall, while there have been many obstacles along the way, I believe that these challenges have helped to shape me into the athlete and person I am today. By facing these obstacles head-on and persevering through them, I have become a stronger, more resilient, and more adaptable memory champion.

“Obstacles are the stepping stones on the path to success. Through constant adaptation, mental toughness, and a relentless pursuit of innovation, I have embraced the challenges of the memory athletics world. Overcoming these obstacles has shaped me into a stronger, more resilient, and more creative memory champion.”

How do you balance your own memory-related goals with your work as a coach?

I am both a memory champion and a memory coach, and finding the right balance between my own memory-related goals and my work as a coach can be a challenge at times. One of the key ways that I balance these two aspects of my life is by setting clear priorities and goals for myself and for my clients.

When I am preparing for a memory competition or working on my own memory-related goals, I make sure to set aside dedicated time each day for training and practice. During this time, I am completely focused on my own goals and do not allow any distractions or interruptions. This helps me to stay motivated and focused on my own progress, while also making sure that I am not neglecting my coaching responsibilities.

At the same time, I also prioritize my work as a coach and make sure that I am giving my clients the time and attention they need to succeed. This means being available for regular coaching sessions, answering questions and providing feedback, and creating customized training plans for each client based on their individual needs and goals.

Another important factor in balancing my own memory-related goals with my work as a coach is my ability to delegate and outsource tasks when necessary. For example, I may hire an assistant to help with administrative tasks or delegate certain coaching responsibilities to other qualified coaches. This allows me to focus more of my time and energy on my own goals and on the areas where I can provide the most value as a coach.

Finally, I believe that a key element of balancing my own memory-related goals with my work as a coach is having a strong support network of family, friends, and colleagues. By surrounding myself with people who understand and support my goals, I am able to stay motivated and focused on both my own success and the success of my clients.

Could you tell us about a particularly memorable moment from your career as a memory athlete?

There have been many memorable moments throughout my career as a memory athlete. One moment that stands out to me is the time I broke the Guinness World Record for the Fastest Time to Recite Pi to 50,000 digits in 2019. This was a huge milestone for me, as it represented years of hard work, dedication, and training. It was also an incredible feeling to know that I had achieved something that few people in the world had ever done before.

Another memorable moment from my career as a memory athlete was when I broke the Singapore record for the Fastest Time to Recite the Periodic Table in 2021. This was a particularly challenging record to break, as I had to not only memorize the elements themselves but also the spelling of each one. The pressure was on as I stood on stage in front of a live audience and had just 4 minutes and 19 seconds to recite all of the elements, but I was able to stay calm and focused and ultimately succeeded in breaking the record.

Beyond these specific achievements, some of the most memorable moments from my career as a memory athlete have come from the relationships and connections I have made with other memory athletes and enthusiasts around the world. I have had the opportunity to meet and work with some incredible people who share my passion for memory and have learned so much from them over the years. Whether it’s sharing training tips, supporting each other at competitions, or just geeking out over memory techniques, these relationships have been an incredibly rewarding aspect of my career as a memory athlete.

Overall, my career as a memory athlete has been filled with many memorable moments, each of which has taught me something new about myself, my abilities, and the power of the human mind. I am grateful for these experiences and look forward to continuing to push the boundaries of what is possible in the field of memory.

“Memories are not just about what we remember, but the moments that shape us along the way. From breaking records to building relationships, my journey as a memory athlete has been filled with unforgettable moments that have fueled my passion and expanded my horizons. Embracing challenges, celebrating achievements, and connecting with fellow memory enthusiasts have made my career truly memorable.”

In this interview, Sancy shares his experiences as a memory athlete and coach, discussing his training routine, biggest challenges, and key lessons learned along the way. He also reflects on the role that his memory-related accomplishments have played in other areas of his life, and offers advice to aspiring memory athletes looking to follow in his footsteps.

When asked about his journey to becoming a memory champion, Sancy describes how he stumbled across the world of memory athletics almost by chance. After initially struggling with memorization in school, he discovered memory techniques that allowed him to rapidly improve his abilities. From there, he began to explore the world of competitive memory, eventually competing at the highest levels and breaking multiple records.

Throughout his career, Sancy has faced a range of obstacles, from the mental and physical demands of training to the intense pressure of competing on the world stage. However, he has also experienced many memorable moments, including setting new records and seeing his students achieve their own impressive accomplishments.

How has your training routine evolved over time?

My training routine has evolved significantly over time as I have learned more about memory techniques and how to best train my mind to retain and recall information. When I first started out as a memory athlete, I focused primarily on basic memory exercises, such as memorizing lists of words or numbers. However, as I progressed and began competing at higher levels, I realized that I needed to develop more advanced techniques in order to keep improving.

One of the key changes in my training routine over time has been the increased use of memory palaces. This technique involves mentally visualizing a physical space, such as a house or a building, and then placing items to be remembered in specific locations within that space. By mentally walking through the space, I can recall the items in the order they were placed, allowing me to memorize and recall much larger amounts of information than I could using simpler techniques.

Another aspect of my training routine that has evolved over time is my focus on speed and accuracy. As I have competed in more memory competitions, I have learned the importance of being able to memorize and recall information quickly and accurately under pressure. To train for this, I have incorporated timed exercises into my routine and have also worked on building my focus and concentration.

In addition to these specific techniques and exercises, my training routine has also evolved to include more holistic practices aimed at improving overall brain health and function. For example, I have incorporated meditation, mindfulness, and physical exercise into my routine, all of which have been shown to improve cognitive function and memory retention.

Overall, my training routine has evolved significantly over time as I have learned more about memory techniques, competed at higher levels, and worked to improve my overall brain health and function. I am constantly seeking out new techniques and approaches to help me continue to improve and push the boundaries of what is possible in the field of memory.

What are some of the most important lessons you have learned about memory and learning in general?

I have learned many important lessons about memory and learning over the years, both through my own experiences as a memory athlete and through my work as a memory coach. One of the most important lessons I have learned is that memory is not a fixed ability – it can be trained and improved with practice and the use of effective memory techniques. This is a key message that I try to convey to my clients and to anyone interested in memory and learning.

Another important lesson I have learned is the power of visualization and imagination in memory. Techniques such as memory palaces and the method of loci rely on the ability to create vivid mental images of the information to be remembered and to associate those images with specific locations or objects. This process engages multiple areas of the brain and helps to create strong, lasting memories.

I have also learned that repetition is an important part of memory and learning, but it is not the only factor. Simply repeating information over and over is not enough to create strong memories – it is important to use other techniques and strategies, such as elaboration and association, to make the information more meaningful and memorable.

Finally, I have learned that the brain is a complex and dynamic organ, and that factors such as sleep, diet, exercise, and stress can all have a significant impact on cognitive function and memory retention. To be successful as a memory athlete, it is important to pay attention to all aspects of brain health and to make sure that you are taking care of your body and mind as well as practicing memory techniques.

How do you think your experiences as a memory athlete have helped you in other areas of your life?

I believe that my experiences as a memory athlete have had a positive impact on many areas of my life, beyond just my performance in memory competitions. One key way that my training has helped me is by improving my focus and concentration. In order to perform well in memory events, it is essential to be able to maintain focus for extended periods of time, and to be able to block out distractions and maintain mental clarity. These skills have been invaluable in other areas of my life as well, such as in my work as a memory coach and in my personal relationships.

Another way that my experiences as a memory athlete have helped me is by improving my confidence and self-esteem. Achieving success in memory competitions requires a great deal of practice, dedication, and perseverance, and every competition that I have participated in has been an opportunity to challenge myself and push beyond my limits. Through these experiences, I have learned to trust in my own abilities and to believe in myself even in the face of difficult challenges.

In addition, my training as a memory athlete has helped me to develop better study habits and learning strategies. Many of the techniques that I use to memorize long sequences of numbers or words can also be applied to learning new information in other contexts, such as in academic or professional settings. By practicing these techniques regularly, I have become more efficient and effective at learning new material, which has helped me to achieve greater success in my work and personal life.

Overall, I believe that my experiences as a memory athlete have helped me to become a more focused, confident, and effective learner, and have contributed to my success in a variety of areas of my life.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to follow in your footsteps?

My advice to anyone who wants to follow in my footsteps as a memory athlete would be to start by developing a strong foundation in the basics of memory techniques. This involves learning and practicing techniques such as the memory palace, the method of loci, and the link method, which are essential for memorizing large amounts of information quickly and accurately.

It is also important to establish a consistent practice routine, dedicating time each day to memorization exercises and challenging oneself to gradually increase the difficulty of the material being memorized. Consistency and persistence are key to achieving success as a memory athlete, and it is important to stay motivated and focused even when progress may be slow.

Another piece of advice is to seek out opportunities to participate in memory competitions and to connect with other memory athletes in the community. These events offer valuable opportunities to learn from others and to test one’s own skills and abilities in a supportive and competitive environment.

Finally, it is important to remember that the skills and techniques developed as a memory athlete can be applied to many areas of life, beyond just competition. By investing time and effort in training one’s memory, one can improve their ability to learn and retain new information, which can have a positive impact on academic and professional success, as well as on personal relationships and overall quality of life.

Overall, becoming a successful memory athlete requires dedication, persistence, and a willingness to learn and grow over time. By following these tips and staying committed to one’s goals, anyone can achieve success in this exciting and rewarding field.

What is your ultimate goal when it comes to memory-related accomplishments?

My ultimate goal when it comes to memory-related accomplishments is to continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the field of memory athletics. I am constantly looking for new and innovative ways to challenge myself and to test the limits of my own memory capacity and abilities.

In terms of specific accomplishments, my goal is to break more records and to continue improving my performance in memory competitions around the world. I believe that there is always room for improvement, and I am committed to working hard and pushing myself to achieve even greater levels of success in the future.

Beyond personal accomplishments, I am also passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience with others and helping to inspire a new generation of memory athletes. As a coach and mentor, I am dedicated to helping others develop their own memory skills and to supporting the growth and development of the memory athletics community as a whole.

Ultimately, I believe that the potential of the human mind is limitless, and that there are still many exciting discoveries to be made in the field of memory and cognition. My ultimate goal is to be a part of this ongoing exploration and to continue pushing the boundaries of what we understand about the power and potential of the human brain.

“My ultimate goal in the world of memory is to break barriers, surpass records, and inspire others to unlock the limitless potential of their own minds. Through continuous innovation, hard work, and dedication, I strive to push the boundaries of what is possible in memory athletics, while also sharing my knowledge and passion to help shape the future of this fascinating field.”

As Sancy continues to break new ground in the world of memory athletics, it is clear that his impact extends far beyond the boundaries of this niche field. Through his coaching and mentoring work, he is helping to inspire a new generation of memory athletes, while also highlighting the incredible potential of the human mind. As his latest world record shows, there are still many exciting discoveries to be made in the field of memory and cognition, and Sancy Suraj is at the forefront of this ongoing exploration.